It’s time to
Punch Up

We are building a home where
poor and working white men
from across the country join in
the work for freedom and
justice for all.

We’re fed up

We are tired of being disrespected and ground into the dirt. We are proud of our heritage. We honor our masculinity. We will no longer blame ourselves and our neighbors for our pain. We know who’s responsible – the fuckers at the top – billionaires and multimillionaires who use their wealth, power, and influence to rig the system and keep us down.

We are fed up

We are tired of being disrespected and ground into the dirt. We are proud of our heritage. We honor our masculinity. We will no longer blame ourselves and our neighbors for our pain. We know who’s responsible – the fuckers at the top – billionaires and multimillionaires who use their wealth, power, and influence to rig the system and keep us down.

We are not alone

We are joining forces alongside everyone else who is getting ripped off by the rich and powerful. We are picking our own battles to fight for housing, for work, for health, for freedom, for the lives we deserve. And we are joining in the campaigns of our neighbors. We need each other to WIN.

Our Work

Latest media, updates, and events from across Punch Up

Donate to fix Trey’s bus

Fight for emergency shelter in KY now

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