Scott Davis

Scott Davis is a journeyman mason – bricks and mortar, not secret handshakes. He’s been in construction for over 30 years and now calls Northern New Mexico home. He’s spent more than his fair share of time sleeping under bridges and on park benches, but also was able to build a home and raise a family. Scott was one of the first to have the house he built with his own hands, taken from him during the 2008 financial crash. That same year the CEO of the bank made over 13.8 million dollars. When he was at rock bottom, folks who had no reason to even give him the time of day – mostly Native women and elders – helped him get back on his feet. Their love and kindness taught him that other working people have his back, even if they don’t look like him or speak the same language as him. Scott is still in construction, but also acts as a spokesperson for Punch Up and as a resource trainer for A Call To Men. He’s bringing an old house back to life for his family and looking forward to finally planting a crop of red chili there.